The Disappearance of Lapland!

My lap has become an increasingly uncomfortable place for Andy to sit. It's a little uncomfortable for me- but it's very uncomfortable for him. He's running out of room, and when he chooses to plop down on my lap, he basically has to precariously perch himself at the edge of my knees. It's clear to everyone that our usual lap sitting arrangement is no longer working out so great, and the glint in his eyes when he looks up at me from the cliff of my knees is sharp with resentment and the inherent understanding that nothing can make this situation better, except for, of course, a cookie. Santa, waving good-bye to Lapland. The other Lapland, not MY Lapland. I keep telling him that there's a baby in mama's belly, and that's why it's so big. He seems to accept the idea, and yet I can't help but wonder if he isn't- on some level- completely terrified by the thought of a baby trapped inside mama's tummy. It's a big concept for such...