A World of Hurt!

Pregnancy blows. There has to be a better way to have a child. Perhaps I should have found a surrogate. How much do surrogates run these days? If all I had was $100 and a couple of unexpired gift cards to Red Robin, what level of quality in a surrogate would I have been able to secure? If I was able to kick in bus fare to the surrogate's doctor's appointments, would that afford me a slightly better surrogate? Like someone who only smokes while they're out and drinking as opposed to just smoking... whenever? Actually, I can't complain too much. The pregnancy up to this point has been okay- I've been able to ignore it for the most part, or at least up until a couple weeks ago. Now, however, that I am thirty-six weeks, EVERY DAY IS WORSE THAN THE ONE BEFORE. This is my living hell, my waking nightmare. I can't sleep or even comfortably sit. I can't relax on the couch at night to watch TV because I have restless legs an...