Alex Update!

Well, they were right- having your second baby is a million times easier than having your first. Andy was born after over three hours of pushing. Alex (Alexander Christopher Berger, Esquire- figured I'd just add Esquire to his name now so that he doesn't have to bother with actually EARNING the title*) was born after three pushes. And Alex, despite my best attempts to keep my weight down and NOT bear another monstrous eight pounder, weighed even more than Andy- a solid eight pounds, eight ounces. If I'd have foregone my induction and made it to forty weeks, I would have had a nine pounder. And that could have gotten ugly. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions since last Thursday. I don't even know where to start. I will say that, yes, you fall in love with your second baby just as quickly and deeply as you did your first. Even if you spend their first two days** in existence constantly calling them by your first born's name....