All done!

Andy's been chatting up a storm lately. He's very good at saying thank you, and says thank you all the time- even to himself. The other day, he came out of the bathroom after flushing the toilet (he doesn't use the toilet otherwise, except to flush) and said proudly, "Thank you, Andy!" Chris looked at me, bewildered. "Why did Andy just come out of the bathroom thanking himself?" he asked. "He's thanking himself for doing such a good job flushing the toilet," I responded. "Duh." Andy thanks himself when he throws his sippy cup into the sink, when he fetches his shoes, and when he shares a toy. He thanks me when I give him the kind of food that borders somewhere between processed and junk. "Thank you, Mommy!" Andy exclaims when I give him a sugary raspberry cereal bar. And if I don't reply right away, Andy will point frenetically down at his cereal bar and declare loudly, more forcefully, "THANK YOU MOM...