Ten About Alex!

Alex has a megawatt smile. I looked up "megawatt" to make sure it was a real thing, and, yes, it's a million watts. Think about the brightest lamp in your house, multiply it by a thousand or so, and that's Alex's smile. He's been smiling brightly since shortly after birth. He must be noticing how Andy always gets his way and is anxious to cash in on the "What the hell, just give him a popsicle" mentality around here. In the first three days of Alex's life, his cry sounded like a tea kettle going off. At first, we didn't know if Alex needed assistance or if someone was making Earl Grey in our hospital room. Alex's head seemed really small to me when he was born. "Nope, it's fiftieth percentile," the doctor told me when I expressed my concerns. "Although sometimes small heads run in the family." She then seemed to size up my own head, which I have always thought it kind of on the small size. The res...