Don't Dance While You're Eating Nuts!

If Andy is struggling while I try to change his diaper, I have a secret special tactic that I employ which will instantly change his demeanor. I smell his feet. I grab his feet, wrinkle my nose, take an exaggerated whiff, and then react as if I've smelled raw, hot sewage bubbling up from the city grates. "Oh my God, Andy," I gasp, crossing my eyes and gagging. "You have the stinkiest feet in all the world!" Andy rewards me with a full on belly laugh and then will often ask, "More!" Or, lately, "Two!" which is his request for me to smell both feet at once and act TWICE as sick to my stomach. "UGH," I'll dry heave. "Ugh! Oh man, I had my mouth open that time. Gross!" And as Andy laughs harder, I change his diaper quickly, and we are off to enjoy another two hours of playing "Elmo takes a nap" with his Sesame Street play set. See Andy? Even Elmo likes to nap! Good job, Elmo! I chalk this up to ju...