Andy's Wedding!

There are some moments in life that feel like memories even before you're done actually living through them. They get crystallized and stored away into the folds of your brain while they're happening. It's almost like you get robbed of the actual experience, because it's already over and done with while it's occurring, and you can clearly hear an older version of yourself talking about it somewhere down the road. In this instance, I am an old lady in the home (not MY home, but THE home), and my grandson Andy Junior is sitting before me trying to mask his boredom while I drone on and on about how his father was such a cute ring bearer at Andy Junior's Great-Aunt Beth's wedding. "And he was just so darling in his tuxedo," I'm telling Andy Junior. "Even if he did spill soup all over it during dinner." Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Andy's full journey down the aisle, because I was tucked into my row at the church and t...