Andy and Alex Lion!

Getting the boys to bed is an hour long task, sometimes longer. First, we start with the bath. I have been giving Andy and Alex the same bath now that Alex is able to sit up on his own. Of course, Alex likes to suck the bathwater up through a wash cloth, so doing this in a shared bath becomes doubly disgusting- that's two sets of genitalia floating in the water, two butts, the possibility of two little boys leaking out a little pee, etc. But, in the interest of just getting the bath over and done with, it's better and faster if they just bathe together and ignore the obvious health hazards involved when the baby decides to ingest as much lukewarm penis water as he possibly can. It's all cute and adorable having the boys together in the same tub, but Andy hates to share the tub toys. I have tried to explain that the tub toys belong to no one. That they are to be used by anyone who sits in the tub- be it Andy, Alex, or a traveling band of gypsies that...