Boastful Mama!

Andy really enjoys staring out the car window and telling me what the clouds look like. "I see a big gorilla," he said this morning. "Next to a fishy!" I have never once suggested to young Andy- who is not yet three- that sometimes clouds can look like different things. His cloud-gazing is all his own, and I personally can't help but think that this is a tremendous demonstration of how creative and smart he is. He's still two! And he uses imagination to visualize things in other things! I know plenty of adults who are incapable of that. I am so proud of Andy and consider him to be very intelligent. Sometimes, though, I wonder if maybe I would feel this way even if he were a complete dumb ass. Are there any parents who look down at their young children and honestly think to themselves, "This kid is a total moron." I have yet to meet a mom who vocalizes this sentiment, but I think it would be reassuring if I did. This mom...