
Showing posts from June, 2014

The (Other) Talk!

Andy, Alex's Protector Every couple weeks or so, I have The Talk with Andy.  Not THE Talk, unless you count the "No, Andy, you don't have boobies" talk as part of THE Talk, but the OTHER talk.  The Stranger Danger Talk.  Andy is pretty squared away on what do if someone approaches him and says, "Your Mommy says it's okay if you come with me" or "I have an adorable puppy holding six lollipops in that creepy looking van over there, want to come take a look?"  Just say no.  Run for Mommy.  Use vulgar language if you'd like. We were having our talk, and I continued on with the questions.  "What if a stranger picks up Alex and tries to take him?"  I asked.  "Then what should you do?" Andy answered swiftly.  "I would scream at him and kick his legs and step on his feet until he put Alex down." "That's a pretty good idea.  But then what if he picked up YOU?" Andy shook his head and replied wi...

Happy Second Birthday, Al Pal!

Saturday is Alex's second birthday.  I can hardly believe it.  It's such a cliched thing to say, but, seriously, where does the time go?  I am holding on to Alex's last little fragments of babyhood.  His chubby thighs, the way he curls against me when I hold him in my arms, that angelic look on his face when he's napping.  My sweet baby boy.  Not really too much of a baby anymore. For your second birthday, here are ten things I love about you.  Just ten.  I'm really limiting myself here. 1.  I love your smile.  You've been smiling since the day you were born, and it's a big, glorious one.  Everyone remarks on your smile.  It's infectious, like catching awesome-itis.  You spread sunshine and rainbows with your grin, and that's hardly an exaggeration. 2.  I love that you're such an athlete.  I mean, sure, I'm probably the foremost authority on being so very nonathletic that it would be an embarrassment if I a...

Firemen to the Rescue!

What size was this jacket anyway??? Andy and Alex got to tour a fire station this past Tuesday!  It was courtesy of one of Andy's good friends, whose dad happens to be a real live firefighter.  I'm convinced that this has to be the parental career that a preschooler is most proud of.  If you were to ask little Eddie what his daddy does, he would likely scream, "My daddy is a FIREMAN!  HE'S AWESOME!"  Meanwhile, earlier today, I asked Andy what his daddy did for a living, and this was his exact reply. "I don't know.  Oh wait.  He uses the computer.  He does that over and over again." See, even Andy understands how mundane an office job can be. So we toured the firehouse, which reminded me of that time about eight years ago when I had to be rescued by a fireman. Chris and I were out on the little balcony of our old second floor townhouse.  I was always so careful about making sure the sliding glass door didn't latch behind us, and C...

Back To The Dells!

We returned from our little vacation today, having spent the past three days in Wisconsin Dells in a repeat of last year's summer's excursion .  Same lodge, same morning at Tommy Bartlett's Exploratory, same Northwood's style McDonalds.  This year, we added a visit to Circus World in nearby Baraboo, WI .  And, objectively speaking, that ended up being my favorite part.  During my last five visits to Brookfield Zoo, I have not been able to see an elephant.  Like, you just assume, oh, I'm going to the zoo, I'm definitely going to see an elephant.  Nope, not the case!  I don't know what the deal is in Brookfield, but there are no elephants and the price of admission is the same and/or higher despite this fact.  Unbelievable.  But, at Circus World, I got to see an elephant.  Three of them, in fact!  Very up close and personal during the circus performance part of our visit, so up close and personal that I can honestly say I've now visu...