Lying About Our Age!

And so we have reached that magical, mystical time in my life as a parent in which I am actively, constantly lying about the ages of my children. Perhaps you've heard this story before, but I cannot remember a time in my life in which I was more horrified than when my parents lied about my age to get in somewhere and said I was ELEVEN when I was actually FOURTEEN. Obviously, there were plenty of more horrifying moments in my life, but that one really stuck with me. Why don't you all just rub it in that I don't have any boobies? That I am not some super hot teenage girl and instead look like I should be playing with dolls? Why don't we just knock down my self esteem another half dozen or so notches just to save two dollars on general admission? I'm in high school and I look ELEVEN? Really? Why must you people ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME? Of course, now here I am (almost thirty-four and ironically praying that I don't look a day over twenty-seven), and...