What's In A Name?!

There seems to be a bit of confusion as to Alexander's name. Lately, we've been having the same serious conversation with this kid over and over again, and, without fail, it goes like this. "What's your name?" "Andy!" "No, your name is Alex. What's your name?" "Andy!" "No, that's not right. What's your name, Alex?" "ANDY!" "NO! Is your name Alex?" "Yeah... Andy!" Like most things, I'd probably just ignore this incorrectly answered question and move on to asking other, more pertinent ones ("Where is the remote control?" "Why does your FACE smell like PEE?" "Do you have any blurred vision after falling on your head for the eighth time this week?" "Did your or did you not lick that ice cube and then put it BACK in my drink?"). But the thing is, Alex is starting two year old preschool in a week, and I fear that his struggles ...