
This Thanksgiving, we had one more little thing to be thankful for. "Was this an accident?" my blunt little sister asked me ten minutes after I had taken the pregnancy test and called her on the phone. I called her first because we had just been talking; she had been asking me about stage two and stage three foods for her little peanut while I had been staring at the tests in the drugstore and contemplating just skipping the whole thing in favor of going to the dollar store the next day and buying one there. Eight dollars for a pregnancy test? Fifteen dollars for two? Why would I pay this much when I can already feel the results in the pit of my stomach and the side of my boob? Sure, the dollar store tests are a little more labor intensive- you have to find a cup to pee in and a little pipette to dispense the urine onto the test strip portion of the flimsy device- but the extra work is definitely worth the seven dollar savings. Ah, screw it. ...