
Here are the people that Andy loves the most. Mommy. Emily. Daddy. Then there is a long pause in which Andy sets his mouth into a defiant straight line. "What about Alex?" the astute observer might reply to this list. "I only love Alex a little bit," Andy will say back. "He pretends to snore at night and keeps me up. He's always breaking my Lego buildings. He bothers me. And he gives me kisses. I DON'T WANT HIS KISSES." Oh, it is hard to be the older sibling. On one superficial level, I sympathize with my older boy. The plight of an older sibling involves constantly trying to dodge and outwit the peskier younger sibling. It's a war that must be constantly strategized, a battle that can only be won by deflecting the unconditional adoration that emanates like sweet rays of poison from the younger sibling. It's not easy to be so loved and bothered. And it is true that Alex bothers Andy. It is also true that he ...