Home Is Where The Boxes Are!

We moved. It's been one of those situations that feels like a nightmare the whole time you're in it, and then you wake up and find out that things are mostly okay except for a strange booming sound in your "new" furnace and that the carpet feels a little more thin and crunchy than you're used to. Other than that, everything is mostly ideal. We did the unthinkable. We sold our old house and moved into a bigger one. All of this while gestating a fetus and refraining from spanking two disobedient children. The move has made me a less perfect parent. I think that's putting it as delicately as I can. I have been stressed out for over a month now, culminating in a stretch of days where I truly thought I was going to lose my mind. Packing everything we own. Repairing damage caused by our movers ninety minutes before the buyer was to do his final walk-through. Waking up the day of our move-in to three inches of snow and more that just ke...