Alex Sucks At Swim Lessons!

Andy and Alex started swim lessons this week. Andy is doing great. There is no story about Andy and swim lessons other than how adorable he is scuttling off to the diving board to ensure that he gets to be first in line. But, Alex, on the other hand. Oh, Alex. One of these boys is about to get banned from the park district. I was afraid that it would be hard to get three kids out of the house in time to make our 9:10 swim lesson each day, but turns out all I had to do was just set an alarm. Boom. We're on time. It's not easy to wake up at 7:00 am when you've been up every three or four hours and the baby is still fast asleep when that clock starts buzzing, but kids need to swim, and so we do it. I haul all three of them to the park district, and Andy runs off with his class, and then there's Alex in the preschool swim group. And to my great chagrin, he is the worst kid in the class. I'd like to think it's because he's bored,...