Princess P!

I've had a daughter for almost eight weeks now. As a mother of mostly sons (fully 67% of my spawn), there's been a slight learning curve to the mothering of a (very) young girl. For instance, if you put her in a ducky onesie and cover her up with a truck blankie, people are going to automatically assume you are some poor soul with three sons and treat you thusly. "Oh, three boys!" they might remark with a better-you-than-me type smirk on their face. That's when you have to dig around in the car seat looking for that pink bow that you just know is in there somewhere. One must never forget the gender-defining headband bow. "Oh no!" you'll have to reassure that nosy stranger. "Two boys and a girl!" And then they will go on with a suddenly genuine smile to say how spoiled that little girl is going to be, and before you know it, it's all princess this and princess that. Of course, I have called her "princess" myself. It...