Why I Don't Have Time To Blog!

Reasons Why I Don't Have Time To Blog: 1 . Emily is waking up most nights, and even though many nights I don't get up out of bed to go get her, I still have to lay there awake and listen to her screaming. And I would scream back except then there is a distinct possibility that the boys might wake up, which would be bad since Andy was already up once to exchange out his peed in underwear and pajamas for fresh ones. Clang! went the door to the laundry chute. Which was originally a selling point to this house (A laundry chute! How very "Home Alone!") and is now nothing more than one more thing to manage. Who put a pooped in Pull-Up down the laundry chute?? Who tried to stick a whole comforter down there? Who didn't empty the basket at the bottom and got the whole thing clogged up with dirty clothes that fell on my head when I tried to de-clog? Who was clanging the damn little laundry chute door at three in the morning because they wet...