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My fine motor skills are incredible. They would blow your mind if you were to witness them in action. I can attach a tiny nosepad into an eyeglass frame using a screw the size of a poppy seed. I can expertly scoop a booger out of a sleeping baby's nose with nary a disturbance. I can peel an entire sheet of Minion stickers in under two seconds. Of course, my gross motor skills are simply awful. I do not run, jump, and I frequently find myself alarmingly close to tumbling down the stairs. The worst time was when I was doing some angry cleaning, lugging the vacuum cleaner down from the bedroom to the living room with the cord haphazardly hanging loose. I stuck my foot in a loop formed by the cord and stumbled down a step, somehow catching myself before going all the way down, with vacuum cleaner, to certain death and drywall damage. Only Alex, Emily, and I were home that day. I would have had to use my last few breaths to tell Ale...