The Tooth, The Whole Tooth, And Nothing But The Tooth!

Right before kindergarten ended, Andy's front tooth got wobbly. "He's going to lose it today or tomorrow!" I whisper-yelled on the phone to Chris. "Print out this official tooth fairy certificate I'm sending you. How many singles do you have in your wallet? I've heard that some parents use glitter. Crap! We're out of glitter! Do you think it would be weird to use elbow macaroni instead?" Flash forward to today, Andy's first day of first grade. He flashed a winning smile on this day for his First Day of School picture, and the smile contained all of his teeth. Honestly, it looked like he might have even grown an extra baby tooth or two in the last twelve weeks. He certainly didn't loose that one tooth that is still hanging in there. Today, I came across the wrinkled up tooth fairy certificate in my desk and just threw it away. I've watched Andy carefully bite into sandwiches without using that one wiggly tooth. I...