Emily's One Thing!

"But I hate story time," Alex declared as we backed out of the driveway. "Let's just go to Wal-Mart instead and buy three toys. Three isn't a big number, right, Mommy?" "We're going to story time," I replied. "It's Emily's story time. It's literally the only thing that Emily has just for her. Andy has school and baseball. You have preschool and trips to the Dollar Store. All Emily has is a lousy half hour story time once a week. That's it! That's all she has." A lie, of course, since Emily has everything. Emily's world, although filled with activities primarily for her brothers, is rich in secondary events that she finds just as thrilling, if not more so. She loves waiting at the bus stop! She relishes in banging her feet on the bleachers at baseball games. She ADORES trying to rip off the preschool art hanging in the common area outside Alex's class. I often look at Emily and think, ...