Alexander the Bate!

Alex got his first library card this week. I told him that he had to be able to sign his name before he could get one, and he's only been writing his name consistently well for the past month or so. I've been worried about Alex, since I know he's starting kindergarten in the fall. Is he as prepared as Andy was? Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that he doesn't know any of the letters of the alphabet? Maybe I should sit down and work with him while Emily is napping... or maybe since he seems content to play Batman on the Nintendo DS, I should just let sleeping dogs lie while I get in some of my own quiet time. Yeah, we'll work on letters tomorrow. Alex took the task of signing up for his first library card very seriously. He signed his name on the back of the card as directed, and then, later, I compared his signature to Andy's, the one Andy wrote out when he was basically Alex's exact age. Here are the two of them for your own perusal...