
Did you know it's National Reading Month? I started an ill-conceived journey to document how many books I'm reading this year. It's like when people with other, more adventurous hobbies chronicle how many countries they're visiting, miles they're running, or meals they're prepping. It's like that movie "Julie and Julia," where the aforementioned Julie decides to work her whole way through Julia Child's cookbook. Except I can't eat anything when I'm done. I don't need to know how to make a roux. And I'm not working my way through an entire anything. Or am I? "How many books will I read in 2017?" I wondered late 2016 as I finished Jodi Picoult's "Small Great Things" with a satisfied slam of cover. I tried to do the math in my head. Maybe two books a month? Three? Somewhere between 24 and 36? Who knows! But what better way to find out than to snap a picture of each book I finish in the year....