My Time Traveling Son!

Before Andy was even born, I was relatively certain that he'd invented time travel. We had picked out his name, and when I googled it just to make sure that there weren't any Andrew J. Berger serial killers or Fox News commentators, an image of my son popped up- or at least a pretty spot on predication of what my son would look like. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and seemed to awkwardly rock a kind of a skinny, dorky look. He wore glasses- clearly myopic just like his mother . He was a professor in another state, and when I looked at the picture, I had a tumbling feeling in my gut. My son had invented time travel. This was him. And he had come back to the past to fix a wrong or to apply an academic solution to some future problem. Who knew- his mission could be multi-faceted. Maybe he'd show up in my life just in time to push me out of the path of an oncoming bus. Or into it, depending on what kind of mother I was about ...