Crazy Day Ever!
I've lost the desire to blog. I'm compelled to keep writing so that Emily has as many stories about herself to one day read as the boys do, but whenever I sit down to write, I just don't have it in me. It's not that I've run out of material, per se, because children- all children- are endless fountains of humor and amusement. It's just that it's started to feel repetitive. This mommy blog thing is so played out. The couple of mom bloggers I follow online generally follow the same sort of formula. Kids are annoying, and we also drink wine. I'm in the trenches with an army of beautiful morons. Or it's a humble brag of winning at motherhood. That kind of thing. So what do people think when they read *my* blog? I've become hyper aware of that question over the past year, which is partially why I haven't written. What do they think about ME? That question becomes more nuanced when you whittle down your audience. To ...