A Turkey Trot

The sound of ominous gobbling filled the skies, and I buried my face deeper into my jacket collar. The school bus would drop my daughter off at any moment, but I was preoccupied. My stance at the corner was a cower, my nervous gaze darting left to right. The wild turkeys were on the move. The gobbles bounced off the trees and homes, off the eight broke down cars in the driveway of the corner yellow house. I used to side eye that house anxiously, wondering about the comings and goings of the literally 16 people who lived inside of it, some of whom drove on the front lawn in order to access the garage. Today, my nosy ass didn't care. Today, it was all about the gang of roaming birds that had recently descended unto our neighborhood, numbering no less than twenty. My hands tapped against my thighs. I was agitated. My eleven year old son had screamed a surprising fact at me a few days ago when the turkeys had abruptly lurched into our front yard whi...