Play With Me!

I can't wait until Alex is old enough to actually play with Andy. My eldest son needs a constant playmate. It's not enough that he has preschool and his park district time and a couple play dates a week with our best friends, Jovie and Heather (I still haven't decided who Andy likes more- his buddy Jovie, or Jovie's mommy. I think it's a draw, since Jovie's mommy feeds him.). Oh no, Andy is incapable of playing alone for longer than five minutes at a time, and the new sentence that I am hearing all day, over and over, is, "Mommy, play with me." If only Andy would just play in this box all day. Much of the time, I'm happy enough to oblige Andy, showing him how to put his Elmo and Cookie dolls down for a nap ("Night, night, Elmo!") or have the Mega Blocks man go to the potty on a crudely fashioned Mega Blocks toilet. See, I'm trying to put Andy's toys in situations that I'd like him to relate to: taking regular, leng...