The Obnoxious Ones!

Books are not for reading. They are for destroying. At just a few days shy of eighteen months, Alex is officially at "that" age. It's the terrible twos six months early. The obnoxious ones. I remember when Andy was this age, I was three months pregnant with Alex. Good thing I was ALREADY with child, because had we waited a few months, I may have put the whole thing off indefinitely. It's a rough time to be a mother. Alex is testing me in new and novel ways. He has learned to climb over the gate at the bottom of the stairs and can get up the stairs, but has zero idea how to get down. You can almost hear him thinking, "Time to get down.... I'll just ahead and tumble forward and trust that someone's going to be there." So now I have an ineffective gate, a clueless child, and the new shiny promise of severe head trauma. Alex's other trick is to squeeze himself out from under his high chair tray, stand up, and literally dangle one f...