Batman's Always Serious!

This year, Halloween was a cinch.  While Chris labored three nights in a row last year to handcraft Andy's epic bus costume, Andy's disguise this year was purchased for $8.97 after spending four minutes perusing the Halloween aisle at Wal-Mart.  And Alex's costume was free, thanks to generous donations by viewers like you.  By which I mean our good friend D, who was kind enough to give me a hand-me-down dragon costume.  I felt mildly bad for not picking out a personal costume to reflect one of Alex's many varied interests (pumpkins, pop cans, the trash can, that one corner of the family room that is rife with electrical cords and spiderwebs), but I also felt mildly awesome for saving another $8.97.  If I keep finding savings in things like hand-me-down costumes or backyard haircuts, I might NEVER have to go back to work!

Andy was Batman.  He's been into superheros lately; I have read him every Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, and Green Lantern picture book from the library, although I think I'm about done with that since all of the books from the library are totally trashed- pages missing or, even worse, pages torn out and then taped back inside the binding in the wrong order.  I'm a stickler for continuity, and when Spiderman morphed into the lizard guy two pages before even drinking the potion, I threw my hands up in disgust and told Andy that story time was over.

Andy made a pretty good Batman, even if the costume was just a cheap mask and a slightly too big chest and cape ensemble.  Andy has clearly been paying attention to the mixed up, torn out adventures of Batman and has noticed that Batman is somewhat lacking in the humor department. "Batman is always serious," I heard him mutter to himself whenever we put the costume on or posed for a picture.  Batman does not smile.

The kids got to wear their costumes a good deal.  Andy's friend C had a Halloween costume party on Saturday, and then we took the kids to the town's "Trick or Treat on Main Street" event the next day.  Alex the dragon was tapped as a finalist in the "Best Costume" contest, which obviously had nothing to do with his costume but with just how darn cute he is.  Totally unfair to the other, less beautiful children, I know.  The boys got to trick or treat at all the different stores.  After a while, I just started sending Andy in for his candy by himself while I waited outside for him.  This was almost a disaster when I peered in the window of the one gift shop and noticed him precariously weaving through shelves and tables filled with glass snow globes and other super fragile trinkets.  But Batman is always serious.  And careful.

There was a bus that the kids could climb on, trick or treat for candy, and then exit.  I sent Andy in by himself and watched as other kids filed in and then immediately out.  Andy seemed to be taking a while, and finally the adult aboard the bus poked her head out the door.  "Are Batman's parents here?"  she called out.  I stepped forward, and she said,  "He just took a seat and is sitting there."  I got on the bus and saw that, sure enough, Andy had just plopped down in a seat, apparently just soaking in the bus awesomeness.  Some things never change, or at least they don't change within a year or two.

Then, on Halloween itself, Andy wore his costume to preschool, and I put Alex in the dragon get-up as well when I returned early for the preschool ice cream party.  Alex was thrilled to spend some time in Andy's school, and little dragon boy immediately pulled up a chair for himself at one of the kiddie tables.  After Andy and his classmates sang their pumpkin song for the parents, Andy climbed into the chair next to Alex's and slid it as close to Alex's as possible so that the two chairs were touching.  He then proceeded to try and spoon feed Alex some of his own ice cream, which is probably the nicest thing I've ever seen him do, even if his drippy cold jabs smacked Alex's face everywhere but in the mouth.

And, then, at long last, they went trick or treating.  Andy's fourth Halloween and Alex's second was marked with a steady rain, but neither boy barely noticed and had a great time anyway.  Oh to be young and not let the weather dampen your spirits.  Oh to be a child and come home with that big bucket of Halloween candy, feeling the happiest you've ever felt all just because of a costume, getting to be out while the sun went down, and the collection of a sugary treasure.

On that note, I let Andy and Alex each have one small piece of candy, and then I promptly hid the rest of it after they went to bed.  Seriously, hasn't anyone heard of childhood obesity?  I think it's an epidemic.

Anyway, another great Halloween is in the books.  The costumes are back in the closet, although I think Batman may make an appearance at Thanksgiving this year.  I have to get my $8.97 worth, don't you agree?


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