Alex On The Go!

Alex outgrew his baby carrier about six weeks ago, and I tossed it straight into the trash like a dirty diaper. You'd think I'd have been more sentimental about the baby carrier that transported both of my infant sons home from the hospital, but nope. I couldn't even stand to look at the contraption any longer, with its falsely claimed ergonomic, zig-zag handle that wrenched my wrists and its vaguely hideous safari print fabric. I hated this car seat carrier so much that you might be surprised to know that I registered for this very item, chose it out of dozens, nay hundreds, of other, far superior baby carriers, approximately three years ago. I was obviously not in my right mind during that trip to Babies R Us, so completely deranged by all the pregnancy hormones and the bags upon bags of pistachios that I so craved during Andy's gestation. Plus, registering for a baby is like way difficult. Do you get the crib mattress with the ten year warranty or ...