Andy's Favorite Books!

I read a lot of books.  In the course of one day, I read no less than ten children's books, plus whatever current adult novel I have on my nightstand for that last hour before bed.  Andy gets three stories before his nap, Alex gets about three baby books before he goes to bed, and then it's another four for Andy right before his bed time.  Andy insists on sitting in for Alex's baby books and will break into sorrowful tears if I dare try to read Alex his books separately while Andy is finishing his bath.  So, Andy gets ten books a day PLUS stories at his preschool PLUS his nightly lion story that I recite from memory right before he goes to sleep.  Andy has got to be the most read to child in the tri-county area.  However, he's also the most infuriating, so you can draw your own conclusions on whether or not that many stories is healthy for a child.

It may be getting out of control.  A couple weeks ago, I realized that I had over forty books checked out from the library.  For a moment I felt like that may have been too many books until I dug out my tax bill and saw how much money went to the library each year.  Then I promptly drove back and checked out forty more.

But if you're reading as many books as we are, you have to have a big supply on hand.  However, as many books as we read, Andy still gravitates towards his favorites, which I now submit to you.  This is part one of a sixteen part series.  Stay tuned!

"Have You Seen My Cat?"- Eric Carle

One young boy's exasperated, worldwide journey to find his cat ends with a man who looks strangely like a younger version of Andy's Papa Aldo pointing out that his cat (which is not a puma, bobcat, lion, cheetah, tiger, or leopard) is right there and has had a shitload of kittens.  Oh crap, that's a lot of cats!  Andy loves this book has memorized all the different kinds of cats and thinks it's hilarious when I yell,  "HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAT???" as if I myself am at the end of my rope and in need of a stiff drink.

"Llama Llama Misses Mama"- Anna Dewdney

The Mama Llama drops a very anxious little llama off at preschool, but the whole point of the story is that she alsocomes back after preschool.  Lesson being:  if mommy goes away for a bit, never fear!  Her ass is definitely coming back.  Andy had me read him this book every night when he started his two year old preschool program, and now, whenever I am out for the evening and Chris gets stuck doing story time, Andy goes and digs this one of out of the pile and makes him read it.  Mama Llama, you came back!  And Jackie Berger's coming back, too.  Probably.

"Maisy Takes A Bath"- Lucy Cousins

Actually, Andy likes ALL of the Maisy books, but this one is my personal favorite since Maisy's weirdo bird friend keeps knocking on the door while Maisy's trying to prepare for her bath and then eventually decides to just get into the bath with her.  And when I say "my personal favorite," I mean the book that has caused me the most grief since now Andy wants all of his friends to come over and bathe with him.  How can I explain that it's alright for Maisy to get naked with her friends in the tub- but not so much for Andy?  Ah, well.  It's cute.

"We're Going On A Lion Hunt"- Margery Cuyler

And, this is the worst book ever.  I have to hide this book from Andy because I hate it so much, but he always manages to find it.  I know that repetition is good for kids, but man, this one just wears down the soul.  If only all of these children would just get eaten by the lion.  Now that would be a good book.

"The Three Little Pigs" - Any version

Andy loves "The Three Little Pigs" but identifies strongly with the wolf, and always sympathizes that things just didn't go his way.

"Goodnight Moon"- Margaret Wise Brown

I love this book, too.  It's the perfect going to sleep book, and I think even if I didn't have children, I still might read it to myself at night.  Goodnight stars, goodnight air.  Goodnight noises everywhere.  This has to be the most comforting bed time story of all time.  Somebody brew me a mug of sleepy time tea already.

"My Car"- Byron Barton

This book has a surprise ending, which I'm about to ruin.  The main character drives his car to his job- and what's his job?  He's the fricking BUS driver!!  Andy just about had a heart attack the first time we read this.  This books works on so many levels.  Or, two levels.  There's a car.  And a BUS!

"Froggy Goes To The Doctor"- Jonathan London

Andy really loves these Froggy books, and they've grown on me as well.  I've noticed that several of the books revolve around Froggy forgetting to put on his pants, and that's always entertaining.  Andy will ask for a Froggy book, and if I don't immediately understand him, he will ribbit at me as if I'm an idiot.


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