Three Words!
Sometimes, while we're sitting on the floor, Alex will announce, "Hat!" This does not mean that he wants to WEAR a hat; this means he wants to BE my hat. Alex will say "Hat!" and then proceed to scale me like I'm a climbing wall and try to arrange his whole body over my skull in makeshift hat fashion. He thinks this is hilarious. I think this is hilarious. Then, of course, Andy also tries to be my hat, and pretty soon I feel dangerously close to having my neck snapped. Hilarity, over.
Alex is quick to call out "Yeah!" whenever he falls or tumbles into something. He will knock his big head into the wall and then say, "Yeah!" in anticipation to the question he knows is coming: "Are you okay?" Yet we don't even have to ask if he's okay anymore- we just watch him fall and know that a "Yeah!" is about to instantly echo back up at us. That Alex is so reassuring.
And then there's Alex's favorite word, "Anda!" This is Andy, and Alex uses it to denote the actual person Andy (you may know Andy from such blog entries as "Andy Climbs Into The Toilet!" and "Andy Goes To Preschool For Free!") and also the objects that belong to Andy. When Alex says Anda, he may actually mean:
I want to sit in Andy's car seat.
I want to wear Andy's shoes.
I want to brush my teeth with Andy's toothbrush, hygiene be damned.
I think this Little Teddy belongs to Andy.
Is this the remainder of Andy's string cheese? I'm going to eat it.
I'd like to wear Andy's underwear.
And I've let him sit in Andy's car seat, brush with Andy's toothbrush (it's not like either of them has gum disease, so whatever), eat Andy's string cheese, and... wear Andy's underwear. I've put Andy's underwear on over Alex's diaper, and he loves it. Also, have I mentioned that Alex pees on the potty basically EVERY DAY now? It's usually right before bath time, but whenever I put him on the potty, he basically makes the *trying* face and then goes. Just another way he's trying to be like Andy, perhaps. That Andy- what a role model.

And then there's Alex's favorite word, "Anda!" This is Andy, and Alex uses it to denote the actual person Andy (you may know Andy from such blog entries as "Andy Climbs Into The Toilet!" and "Andy Goes To Preschool For Free!") and also the objects that belong to Andy. When Alex says Anda, he may actually mean:
I want to sit in Andy's car seat.
I want to wear Andy's shoes.
I want to brush my teeth with Andy's toothbrush, hygiene be damned.
I think this Little Teddy belongs to Andy.
Is this the remainder of Andy's string cheese? I'm going to eat it.
I'd like to wear Andy's underwear.
And I've let him sit in Andy's car seat, brush with Andy's toothbrush (it's not like either of them has gum disease, so whatever), eat Andy's string cheese, and... wear Andy's underwear. I've put Andy's underwear on over Alex's diaper, and he loves it. Also, have I mentioned that Alex pees on the potty basically EVERY DAY now? It's usually right before bath time, but whenever I put him on the potty, he basically makes the *trying* face and then goes. Just another way he's trying to be like Andy, perhaps. That Andy- what a role model.
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