Mommy Jackie's Daycare!

When I quit my job to stay home with my kids, I lamented that we'd be giving up my income.  To this lamentation, everyone seemed to have the same response:  "Why don't you take in a couple kids and run a day care?"  This question is posed as if it's a no-brainer.  Why WOULDN'T I want to take in some strange kids and be stuck in my house all day and be responsible for the safety and entertainment and disciplining of a group of toddlers?  Why wouldn't I want to divide my attention between my own kids and somebody else's?  Why wouldn't I want to wipe not just two asses but perhaps four asses or five asses or A SEEMINGLY INFINITE NUMBER OF ASSES?  Why wouldn't I want to basically eradicate all the joy of being home with my two sons by ruining it with other children?

Seriously, I'd probably rather just go back to an office job and stick my kids in a proper daycare.

Flash forward to one week ago.  Lately Chris and I have been blowing through money like we're the goddamn Rockefellers.  We agreed to redo our floors downstairs, which took care of our tax return money, but then a whole bunch of other expenses just popped up out of nowhere.  A leaky roof.  License plate renewals.  Cell phone upgrades.  The Easter bike for Andy (admittedly the best $100 we've ever spent on this kid, but still $100).  Car maintenance.  The list goes on.  I asked Chris in the morning, "Should I find a part time job?"  Just a little something to help bridge the gap better.  I know I will have to find some sort of job sooner or later, but then that afternoon rolled around and there came a knock at my door.

The man across the street is watching his grandkids for six weeks and needs some help once or twice a week while he is at work.  He asked if I would watch them once or twice a week (just once or twice a week!), and I said that I would.  The price we agreed on is fair, I think, and it will give us some extra spending cash for the summer.

Now.  The first paragraph of reasons not to watch kids in my own home still stands true.  First of all, though, it's the neighborly thing to do.  And the situation being presented is unique in that it is only once or twice a week (can I stress that enough?) for only six weeks.  It's like part time contract work.  The girls involved are good ages- one is just a little younger than Andy and seems very sweet, and the other is a non-crawling baby.  If the younger one was Alex's age, I would have probably slammed the door in my neighbor's face without even letting him continue.  Because, let's face it, toddlers are a nightmare and drive me to drink.  But I can assure you never during the day time especially while watching other people's kids!

When my neighbor rang the bell, the following things were going on in my house.

1.  Neither Andy or Alex was wearing any pants.
2.  Alex's forehead scab from an outdoors accident was bleeding just a tiny bit, as to indicate a lack of care.
3.  I had just microwaved a couple of White Castle sliders, and the whole house stank a little of steamed beef.
4.  Toys were everywhere.
5.  Andy pushed Alex pretty hard, and Alex was sobbing as to indicate that I in no way have my children under control.
6.  Andy saw that we had company and immediately announced, "Look!  I'm growing hair on my legs!" as to indicate that we sit around the house just in our undies talking about puberty all day.

And yet my neighbor still went through with asking for the favor.

I do think that, while certainly no walk in the park, watching the girls will be manageable and even enjoyable.  I'm not at all concerned with the three year old, but I do think it will be interesting to have a new baby in the house again with changing diapers, doing bottle feedings, and getting her down for naps all while having Alex pull on my legs and beg, "Up!  Up!  UP!"  Let's just say that that part will be... challenging.  But maybe watching these kids will cure me of daydreaming of having another baby myself.  OR maybe I will get cocky about the whole thing and say to Chris, "Shit.  I can handle FOUR KIDS.  Now I want TWO MORE."

Of course, that would just be insanity.

Wish me luck on this short term (just once or twice a week!) endeavor!  If I never post again on this blog, it's because I've been buried alive by crying children.


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