School's Out For Summer!

Andy had his last day of three year old preschool yesterday, and with that we slammed shut another chapter of their young lives. Since I am switching Andy to another preschool next year (per Andy's request, as my number one personality trait seems to be "caves to the whim of a three year old"), we will no longer be hanging at the local park district two days a week.  And since Alex will also be in two year old preschool, my youngest buddy and I will no longer do those park district things we did while Andy was in class.  No more kids' "museum," no more parent-tot gym class, no more nonsensically riding the elevator up, dropping two handfuls of dried cranberries all over the elevator carpeting, and then holding hands and slowly taking the stairs back down.

It's enough to choke this mommy up a little.

But, instead of getting all teary-eyed about the transition of things, I'm trying instead to focus on how wonderful I intend for this summer will be.  Since my baby-sitting gig from last post THANKFULLY GOT CANCELED (the mom flew back to get her kids, thus concluding the two loudest, messiest, naughtiest days of my life), it's just me and my boys all day, every day.  Sometimes Daddy may or may not make an appearance.  We have parks to explore, bodies of water to safely emerge ourselves into, and melted popsicle puddles to frantically wipe off the floors before the ants descend.  We have the promise of sunscreen, cold drinks, and complaining about all of the sweat pooling into our bra.  Not that my boys wear bras.  But maybe their sweat will pool in a different place.

Here are a couple places that you will not find us this summer.

Any deeply wooded area that makes me immediately think of:  ticks, poison ivy, dead corpses left to rot.

In line at the ice cream truck.  What kind of fool do you take me for?

On any sort of relaxing, margaritas-on-the-beach type vacation.  D'oh.

On a boat.  I don't know, I guess I'm just not a boat person.

Fishing.  My childhood was ALMOST ruined by going fishing too much.  I'm talking THIS close.

Six Flags.  It's not even the money, it's the gosh darn LINES.  But it's also the money.

Camping.  Same deal as fishing, only much more disgusting.

Taste of Chicago.  As much as I enjoy buying and trading tickets for food, eating for sport, and big sweaty crowds, I'm going to have to take a pass this year.  And the last ten years.  And the next thirty.

Now that I've got that out of the way, let the summer commence.  Congratulations Andy to a successful year of three year old preschool (I believe the certificate says "participant" on it), and Alex, you had quite the non-school school year as well.  I did my best to keep us busy, and you've grown so much these past nine months. Now let's blink back those tears of joy and get on with it.


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