Daddy's Rock Star!

I packed up the boys' old clothes last week. Aside from the infant onesies and sleepers I had given to a friend after my supposed last baby Alex outgrew them, I had everything tossed haphazardly into the boys' closet. Some stuff was in garbage bags, some stuff was in wine boxes (ahh, wine.... sigh), but most of it was just out and loose, a barely contained hurricane of memories and dried spit up stains. What a task, to organize and then give away a piece of the boys' forensic history. Every outfit reminded me of some special moment from the past four and a half years. Baby Andy, closing a huge real estate deal. One year old Dragon Alex, winning the hearts of the public. I did not save any outfits for sentimental reasons. I had to draw a line in the sand; we are packed to the gills in this house. I only saved items that I could reasonably see dressing my daughter in. Easy task, right? Very difficult. Of course, any newborn ...