Andy's 4.5!

And so I am very sensitive to Andy's July birthday and Alex's late June birthday. I think it's just plain delightful that preschool honored this day for Andy, and the kid's had a grin on his face all day. We sent donuts to school! He got to wear a crown! His friends all sang to him! His teacher even gave him a present! I think it's ding dong fantastic.
This last and final baby of mine will likely have a late May birthday, thus squeezing itself onto the normal school year calendar in a way that I failed with the first two of my spawn. No ding dong fantastic half birthday business for this one! It'll be a real live, actual birthday that occurs when all of his or her friends are present and accounted for instead of off on summer vacation in exotic locales such as Indiana Beach. What a lucky duck this third one shall be.
We find out the gender in two days. What if it's a girl? What will I do with that news? I'm so used to little boys and the kind of things you have to tell little boys, such as the following.
You are allowed to make one poop joke per day. You made your first poop joke two minutes after you woke up today. You're not supposed to make any more poop jokes today. Save this one for tomorrow.
Do not show your friends your penis. Do not come barreling into the kitchen, whip down your pants, shake your penis in the air, and yell out "Surprise!" Do not say the word "wiener" unless you're asking for a hot dog. Do not touch your brother's penis or let him touch yours. Do not make me talk about penises any more than I already have to. Just leave it alone already.
How nice would it be to have a girl, a little being that is not hard-wired at birth to be an absolute animal. Perhaps a daughter would be less interested in showing off ninja moves and more interested in say, classic ballet. Although I can't imagine that's at all possible considering even I find ninja moves more interesting than anything ballet related. Since this child will have two older brothers, perhaps even a daughter would just be a third act of rowdiness. How does any child grow up with two crazy brothers and not be a little bit wild from the get-go?
Of course it would be nice and lovely to have a daughter. Chris and I agree it would be nice. But the other night, during the best night of the week (FMN, Family Movie Night, or Family Moronic Nonsense depending on two year old Alex's behavior), Alex and Chris were playing around during one of Andy's bathroom breaks. Alex was giggling like crazy at being held over Chris' head and was acting the absolute, perfect visage of LLB (Lovable Little Boy or Limber Lunatic Berger), and Chris and I had the same thought at the same time. He's the one who said it out loud.
"It might be nice to have another boy."
Yeah. It might be nice to have a daughter and it might be nice to have a third son.
Either way, we'll be totally thrilled and slightly disappointed.
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