One Word!

Alex's two year appointment looms on the horizon, and I am anxious for the developmental questions. I remember at Andy's two year appointment, they asked me if he could stack six blocks. To which I immediately thought, "Blocks! Damn! Blocks! I FORGOT ALL ABOUT BLOCKS." I answered, tentatively, yes, and then shuttled Andy back home where I managed to dig up six blocks and command him to stack them. Which, thankfully, he could, otherwise I would have had to live with a huge lie weighing on my conscious. The nurses are totally going to ask me about Alex's speech. At fifteen months, they asked me how many words he could string together. The answer to that riddle was zero. Capital Z, Zero. Nothing. Now, at almost two years old, Alex says words, but only one at a time, unless you count "all done," which I'm pretty sure Alex considers to be one compound word. Alldone. The thing is, Alex's one word has lately ...